
Challenge-Based Learning (CBL) is an innovative educational concept in which entrepreneurial behaviour is key, enabling students to develop the skills necessary to thrive in an ever-changing world. On March 8, the Entrepreneurial Education Netwerk (EEN) organises an online meet-up for everyone interested or already involved in developing or teaching CBL.


Ákos Wetters and Gert Guri of TU/e innovation Space, the centre of expertise for CBL and student entrepreneurship at Eindhoven University of Technology, will provide a brief introduction on the added value and key milestones of the CBL concept and try to answer all the questions you might have regarding CBL.

In break-out sessions, we split into small groups to further discuss specific elements and exchange experiences. The idea is to conduct a natural of peer-to-peer learning between teachers with experience on CBL and teachers who are willing to initiate this new experience. The second break-out round deals with concrete challenges still ahead, focusing on student’s assessment process in CBL and how to build the ecosystem with the university with more CBL oriented teachers.

Together, participants will be working on identifying, sharing and proposing concrete actions on ‘how-to CBL’ based on their own experience and literature. All ideas, tips and suggestions from both break-out rounds will be collected and shared afterwards.

The meet-up will be held in English.

Register via this link